Sunday, March 23, 2008

Crimewatch Is Mindless Propaganda

I was watching Crimewatch, a local production that showcases how extremely stupid people get caught by our "meticulously vigilant" police force that somehow allowed Mas Selamat to stroll out of our little island.

They were showing how three stupid indian men got caught robbing foreign workers of their work permits and selling them. While that concept is actually a good way of earning extra income, it is in no way of making a living. However, being hopelessly lost in the bottom of the intelligence pool, they decided to do just that.

In order to accomplish their harebrained schemes, they had to rob multiple people. That wouldnt have been so bad if not for the fact that they:
1.) Didnt wear any masks while robbing people
2.) Didnt change their mode of operation

Like hello, even the white trash robbers in the movies bother to wear a sock or stocking over their heads. And it probably isnt that hard to think up variations of how to rob someone. If you keep going up to random foreign workers and demanding they hand over their work permits, the police are going to know immediately theres a relation between all the robberies going on and all the people are going to know your stupid faces. Not just one, but a whole lot of them.

And crimewatch actually had the cheek to point out how great our police force are by stating how quickly it took to nab three mentally retarded robbers.


Anonymous said...

i believe u shud join the force and u will know the system and procedure work. and saying is easier by doing.

MouldyBread said...

i dont have anything to do with the force, only the programme.

care to explain what "saying is easier by doing" means?

MouldyBread said...

anything against the force*