Saturday, March 22, 2008

All Religion Is False

Forget religion. It is not good for you.

In order for any organised religion to succeed, it has to make people believe that they need it. In order to do that, they have to make people lose faith in themselves, only then can they place their faith in something else.

So the first task of organised religion is to make you lose faith in yourself, the second is to make it seem like they have the answers that you dont. Finally, the third task of organised religion is to make you accept its answers without question.

They dont allow you to think, because once you do, you start to question the answers they have given. What organised religion doesnt realise is that if you cant even accept your own thoughts, how can you then accept the ideas about the Higher Beings that they tell you about? And thus their plan backfires.

Thus, be not religious, but spiritual.


Anonymous said...

"Religion is only the illusory Sun which revolves around man as long as he does not revolve around himself."
Karl Marx

MouldyBread said...

I never knew the commie king wrote stuff like that. Reading it is almost like reading the king james bible.

but cool nonetheless, nice to know im backed up by someone famous lol

Winsor said...

Religion, is after all, created by man. It's a creation of man totally. Now, religion is a business venture.

Anonymous said...

wanna buy my holy toilet paper?

Winsor said...

nope. but i suggest we open a church, do some holy propaganda, twist the way things work and say its to better the religion, collect helluva donations and buy a nice ferrari..

MouldyBread said...

hello this is singapore nobody donate one. you buy toy ferarri only

Winsor said...

No man. It is possible. Our church can also be built with like $7.1m worth of donations, it has been done and I think we can do it. haha!

C said...

touche, mouldybread