Saturday, January 12, 2008

Multitasking Irritations

I just found out I can play quake3 and talk to jen on the phone at the same time. I mean, this just goes to show how instinctive Q3 is. Its just point and shoot, and my circuits around the maps are so formed I dont have to think of where to go. But as a side note, I really have to find someone in real life who can beat me with a railgun because Im seriously beginning to think Im unbeatable.

So anyway, I was playing today when I realised how some things people say irritate me. Heres a list:
1.) Adding "s" or "x" behind "lol" and "haha", making it "hahas" or "lolx".

2.) Saying "stuffs". Stuff is already a collective; just because you have a lot of stuff to do doesnt mean you have "stuffs" to do. I like food, but since I like many different kinds of food, would I say I like to eat foods?

3.) Usage of "ur" when there is ignorance of its meaning. "ur" means You Are, not Your. Hence, "ur mom is stupid" is wrongly used.

4.) Usage of "dots", verbally or written. What the hell is "dots" supposed to imply? Dot is the name of one of my bolsters and polka dots are owned by st.margs girls.

5.) Usage of "riiiiiight" verbally by any singaporean. We really shouldnt do it. I mean, there are some things that are really better left to the whites. Try using your tongue to touch your shoulder while saying "riiiiight" and nodding your head. Thats the type of person you remind me of.

6.) Typing in alternate capital letters and normal letters. I dOnT hAvE tO eLaBoRaTe RiGhT?

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