Monday, January 14, 2008

Dogshit In The Rain

William How is seriously the most arrogant/stuck-up/imbecilic, most sorry excuse for a human being Ive ever seen. I can only imagine the amount of money he paid the matchmaker to sieve through thousands of girls to find one that was blind and deaf to marry.

I mean seriously, I put down my dignity for once and actually politely ask that son-of-a-bitch a question, and he contemptuously replies," What do you think?"

Hello, motherfucker, if I had to ask you what I thought I wouldnt be asking in the first place, now would I? Wiener sucking dipshit.

Im so sick of his smug and snotty look that he wears when he thinks hes better then everyone else, even seeing fit to impose his way of living on other people. "Oh if you havent done or thought this way by now, I feel sorry for you etc" You're a what-do-you-call, big vagina.

Oh we go a long way back, this prick and I. Never have I ever hated someone so much in poly, but CockSucker How sure beats the record huh. Since year 1, too. I think I know exactly how its like to be a anorexic and purge every now and then cuz whenever I hear him talk I feel like Ive got a cock shoved down my throat.

Fuck you william how. Do everyone a favour and take a fatal overdose of medication.

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