Sunday, January 13, 2008

Good Boy Bike Gang

I was walking home one night at 9 when I saw this bike gang. The whole bunch of them were stopped in front of a red light. It was like this whole motley crew of bikes, with a wide assortment of bikes ranging from harleys, dirtbikes and 1 scooter, but they had one thing in common: they were all malays.

But that isnt the strange thing. The strange thing was that they were awfully quiet. Like the calm before the storm or something. But the weird thing is that i always had the impression that being in a bike gang meant blasting your shit music with really noisy motors, or maybe the occasional drive-by shooting. But they were just so QUIET you know? Its like, as though they were in the gang just to ride their stupid bikes and not cause any havoc, which is just so wrong. I mean, im not condoning that kind of behaviour, but thats like saying you wanna be a knight just to ride a horse! The whole point of being a knight is saving maidens from dragons and trampling your enemies with your warhorse. If you wanna ride horsies you might as well be a stable

Oh, and please dont think youre smarter then me and tell me that 15 bikes on a deserted road is just a coincidence, and theyre not actually part of a bike gang. Youre better then that, I hope.


k0k s3n w4i said...

There ARE bike gangs out there who are just a bunch of people who like superbikes :)...

Much like blogrings having blogger meets xD

Anonymous said...

2-3 harveys, 8-10 dirt bikes and a few scooters dont really gimme the impression of super bikes ;p

but i would think that even if they were just having a meet up, theyd at least be trying to get to know each other, not being so solemnly silent all the way... i swear, it was really QUIET

Anonymous said...

maybe they are shy! =O
so it's like waiting each other to break the ice.

Winsor said...

shy bikers... oh my... haha!

Maybe it was after a huge ass malay wedding or something.

Anonymous said...

malays dont get married, they just...

erm nvm. better not say racist jokes here. lolololol