Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Devil May Cry 4

Well, Ive tried DMC4 on the ps3 and all I can say is this is NOT a repeat of the flop that was DMC2. This is almost like DMC3 remade into a beautiful, beautiful cornucopia of stunning eye-candy graphics.

In the demo itself, there are 2 "chapters" you can play around with. One of them sets you in one of the missions with a 10 minute timer. There you can try out the new moves on ordinary trash mobs that seem to be much easier then the first 2 Sins of DMC3. The second pits you against the very cool looking frost demons that made their first appearance in DMC1, with similar abilities, as well as a fire demon named Berial (boss) who looks slightly copied from the Pit Lords of Warcraft.

The very cool frost demon returns

A new mechanic of the game is revealed in the demo. Veterans of the Omnimusha series would easily recognize small blue objects flying in air you can grab hold of to pull yourself to higher ledges or such to progress the level and also has crucial uses in boss fights. Such a mechanic is introduced in DMC4. Also implemented are ways to grab your enemies from afar and pull them to yourself to continue combos, although Im not sure whether this is limited to Nero (whos the only character you can play in the demo) or whether Dante has some equivalent skill.

But aces of DMC should be aware that the demo does not offer anything very challenging, especially to people who've beaten the Dante Must Die mode in DMC3. The boss Berial only beat me once before I took him down the second time. This is very much different from the first time we met the doggy Cerberus in DMC3 (unless you were a little noob who beat him by standing at the corner and shooting him).

All in all, 9.5/10. The 0.5 flew away because I didnt feel that challenged.


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