Friday, December 19, 2008

Vaudevillian Catastrophe

You know, I notice lately channel 8s actors have been getting suckier. That is, in terms of their acting. Thats entirely expected, seeing as how our new actors are chosen based on "talent" shows, where the talent is as scarce as clothes on a whore. You know, in the great West, there are acting schools, drama schools ... the works. Does Laseille do drama? Im not too sure, but maybe they should if they arnt.

The shows too have gotten crummier, cliched and utterly cringe-worthy. The one at 9 now, the little nonya shit, is one example of everything Im talking about. Just see how unnatural their movements are when combined with their speech. Try to imagine yourself doing exactly what theyre doing, and see if youd act (pardon the pun) like they do on tv.

Weird, how when I used to watch these shows for umpteen years but didnt notice anything. I cant say myself what opened my mind and saved me from this broadcasted torment, but thank God it happened when it happened.

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