Wednesday, December 17, 2008

So the dearest and I were talking, as usual, and one topic came up (it commonly does). It was how I was an obnoxious prat back in my first few years of poly. If I could chronosphere myself back in time I would probably bitchslap myself like I want to do to so many people in the army.

Of course, I still am an asshole, but at least now I do it consciously, and because I think everybody is stupid (which, not surprisingly, as statistics show, is true[thats a lot of commas])

And one of the weird things I notice is that I embody quite a few of the traits of the typical Scorpio. That is, the more asshole side of it ^^ I think the world revolves around me, and it really does. But then again, the world revolves around each and every one of us. Even if you devote your life to helping others, it still revolves around how you make the world a better place.

That's food for thought for you.

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