Sunday, August 3, 2008

New Chapter

How many of us have turned over the pages of our lives into a new chapter at 5am at changi airport?

How many people even know if they have reached a new chapter, I wonder.

I watched her leave, her figure growing smaller and smaller. I glanced down at my phone, and when I looked up, it was like she was never there at all.

That was when I felt this profound emptiness. It wasnt a painful emptiness, it was just a presence of an absence. I wandered around Terminal 1 in a daze, looking for an MRT station. I think I circled the place twice before heading for the sky train.

I thought of visiting T3, but I think, what I needed then was a bed and something to hug, not look at some artificial edifice that only echoes what you feel. If you look at stone, it only looks back at you.

I dont ever remember listening to my mp3 player and thinking that it was so wonderful that the lyrics talk to you. Or more like, they enter your head and bounce around till the next track plays. Im probably not making any sense, so here I end.

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