Thursday, August 21, 2008

It Has Begun!

Today is the most exciting day of the month cuz Ive finally started paper trading! That means playing the stock market using virtual money. At last I can put all the shit Ive learnt into practice!

Its one thing to read about options in books and finally see all the lists of strike prices of all the millions of puts and calls! It was so exhilarating, I think you people prolly think Im a nerd faggot being into this shit. But god, I dont know how to explain it.

And guess what I bought for my first trade?


Thats Intel Corporation fyi. And just in case you dont even know what Intel does, it makes shit like computers. And I think its stock price is going UP UP AND AWAY!! Hahaha!

So exciting!

N.B.: I do not dabble in stocks. I use options only.

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