Monday, May 5, 2008

Stupid But Stupid

My colleague and I were talking about handwriting and he remarked that my handwriting was "cute" and went on to his supposed punch line that "cute" was "ugly but adorable".

Okay, what I want to say is that this has been an issue that has been bugging me for some time.

I want to know which idiot was it that told his idiot friend who told his idiot friend who told his idiot friend who told his idiot friend *inhales deeply, then pauses* that 'cute' meant "ugly but adorable".


cute –adjective
1.attractive, esp. in a dainty way; pleasingly pretty: a cute child; a cute little apartment.
2.affectedly or mincingly pretty or clever; precious: The child has acquired some intolerably cute mannerisms.
3.mentally keen; clever; shrewd.
4.Informal. in a cute, charming, or amusing way; cutely: In this type of movie the boy and girl always meet cute.
5.the cutes, Informal. self-consciously cute mannerisms or appeal; affected coyness: The young actress has a bad case of the cutes.

Try finding "ugly but adorable" inside for me please. I must need a pair of new spectacles because, by golly, I cant seem to find it!


adorable –adjective
1.very attractive or delightful; charming: What an adorable hat!
2.worthy of being adored.

Being adorable means being attractive, as seen from above. So therefore I find it hard to imagine someone, or something that looks like a piece of shit in the rain, yet still be attractive.

Thus yet again proving "ugly but adorable" to be quite a mind blowing concept.

If any of you have believed this nonsense before, then you can consider yourselves


Winsor said...

I remember that "Cute" = "Ugly buy Adorable" was taught to us by Mr Sham. haha!

I wonder when did it start too..

Anonymous said...


where got!