Thursday, May 8, 2008

Everything Men Know About Women

Mom and kerk flew off to japan today, so Im the master of the house for 1 week. Id bring some whores to my place and have a party if not for the fact that I know none or any pimps, for that matter.

So anyway, Jen and I headed down to Kino to get her some books and we saw this amazing book.

By a frigging professor some more right? So we decided to take a look at the back as well to see what kind of things they could possibly teach us.

WOW! This book must be frigging awesome! Deep in this tome lies everything we men could possibly know about women!

Arnt you just so amazed to find out whats inside? We did, so we opened the book!
EMPTY!! All the frigging pages were empty!

GET IT??!!!

Hahahaha! I thought this was such a brilliant book I absolutely HAD to blog about it! But of course there was no way Id waste 8 bucks buying it, but it was a good laugh.

Cheers to Jen for finding it!

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