Monday, June 30, 2008


Went with the sec school peeps to Sakura International Buffet. All I can say about the food there is that theres really nothing special about it. I mean, 30 bucks for a buffet that serves only japanese and generic dishes can hardly be called an "International Buffet". If you really were international youd have carbonara from Italy and fried dog from China.

Even then, the dishes use quantity to make up for quality. I stopped eating any more when I was nearly at my satiation peak not because I was truly full, but because there was simply nothing more worth stuffing myself for.

Whereas places like Petes place (Grand Hyatt Hotel), I can get high class Italian food (buffet) at the exact same price, and everything there is worth eating till you fill your tank up for 2 meals.

Next up was "Wanted".

Cutting a long story short, it was the worst movie Ive watched since the start of this year, and Im going to tell you why. Im going to spoil the entire show for you right here and now, because you shouldnt be watching it, and Im not about to let you waste 9 bucks and 2 hours of your time doing so, because I love you all.


First lets talk about the action, since this is an action film. The action part of the show relies heavily on the ability to fuck the laws of physics because our main protagonist can bend the path of bullets by swinging his gun arm whilst firing real quick. (In case youre really stupid, what that really does in real life is get you killed)

So I was just thinking, okay Ill let that pass, even though the sheer absurdity is digging into my veins and injecting shit into them, since we do have superheroes and everyone loves Neo from The Matrix right? (Allow me to not point out that Neo was able to do what he did because he was in a bloody computer)

Now lets talk plot. Because the producers knew that the show would be the lame shit that it still is without a twist, they decided to introduce......TAA DAH! A TWIST!

What better twist then to do a Luke-Vader twist by letting the main enemy of the show tell our hero ,"Sorry dude, Im actually your father, and you just shot me, you stupid motherfucker. And even though this is probably an attempt to mindfuck you before I die, you should believe me."

Oh God! I couldnt have guessed! Now our hero wants revenge for being manipulated! So he places little bombs on rats that he stores in the back of a garbage truck, then dumps them all at the front gate of the bad guys base. And thats when the audience finds out how well he trained all the rats because they knew how to spread out into every nook and cranny of the huge base within 5 seconds of movie time and blow it to hell!

Lastly, as though I were not disappointed enough, the only babe of the movie seems to have turned anorexic. Who am I talking about?

Angelina Jolie of course! Her arms are so thin its really hard to believe she can even handle the recoil of a 0.22 calibre pistol! Whats wrong dear? Has handling your 1684196453 adopted children stressed you out? Compare the two above with the one below!

Look how much nicer she looks! Goodness.

Oh well the movie probably scored a 2/10 for me. And you all should thank me for saving you that amount of time.

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