Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Fear Doreen

Dor and I were having a chat, while in the midst of it, I decided that in the spirit of Christmas, I should bestow her with a gift. I wished for a cockroach to fly into her room since she said she was afraid of insects.

Then she retorted with the most venomous curse Ive ever heard in months: "i hope you see a cockroach in your room in the midst of having steamy sex with your love."

I was blown away. Flabbergasted. WTFed. Owned totally because imagine both of us doing it, or about to do it when I see it and I scream like a fucking girl and she never wants to do it with me again and I remain a virgin forever.

I mean, that has to be the single most evil thing I have ever heard and I got totally freaked out. So I told dor that next time, just before me and my gf get into the mood Ill check every fucking nook and cranny in the room, then shut all the windows before I lay a finger on her.

Hows that, bitch? lololol....


Anonymous said...

HAHA omg you were totally OWNED!!!!

i love doreen!

Anonymous said...

shut up.

anyway wanna go watch i am legend together or something? then i can treat you to dinner after or smt