Thursday, December 27, 2007

The Way We Live

So I was talking to this american friend of mine, Ziad. Hes greek, I think, but living in the US. So we were like, comparing how shitty the phone bills are there for hps. They can go for up to like 40-50 USD per month, while we pay exactly the same number, but in SGD =D.
And, just like down under, its really hard to get about without a car so he and his gf has to pay for fuel, which is really a lot considering the distance you have to travel here and there everyday.

So, be glad for our parents, and be glad for MRT.

Meanwhile, Im starting to fall deeper into the coolness that is Exilia. Its an Italian rock band, female lead. I tried torrenting it but there were only 7 seeders! Seriously, man. All the good bands are under appreciated.


In other news Ive hit 100 hits in just 4 days! I didnt know people actually liked to read the shit I spew forth hahaha!
Well, either that or someones been refreshing the page over and over to make me feel loved. LOL. Thats why Ive decided to change statcounter to show unique visits only, starting from now!

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