I frown upon the people who look chastise the use, or thought of revenge. Revenge is an excellent fuel to keep yourself alive and moving towards your goals. It is in fact, all about your happiness, because the saying "wanting to have the last laugh" aptly sums up revenge. You want to have the "last laugh", and theres absolutely nothing wrong with that.
Laughing denotes happiness, or amusement. And all you get at the end of the day is your happiness that you so richly deserve. Of course this is at your revengee's expense, but that hardly matters, because he/she had his share of fun the first time round. Its just your turn. We are all just taking turns, thats all.

Maybe you've heard of "an eye for an eye". And maybe youve heard of the accompanying saying as well :"If we all lived by 'an eye for an eye', the world would be blind." Which is definitely true. But the speaker is only cursed with short sightedness, because he does not see that if we lived by sweet revenge and we all became "blind", that would be the perfect situation, because blind people cannot hurt each other!
How would a blind person shoot another? Or stab another? Isnt it brilliant?
So go on, stab the backs of those who've stabbed yours, break the hearts of those who've done the same to you, fill them with regret and despair, because YOU deserve to be happy.