Tuesday, February 23, 2010


I spent an entire afternoon today baking in the sun in the middle of some forest in Sungei Gedong together with a friend of mine without any water at all. We fed the mosquitoes and talked about women, or just womAn, actually, which is one of the things I really cherish about being single; You get to ask all about other peoples relationships and not have to give a single thing out about yourself because you simply dont have anything to say.

Why were we there in the first place? Well, I was driving my gun to an exercise location when it broke down. And when I say gun, Im not talking about those little peashooters you carry around with you, Im talking about these:

Yes, these five million dollar pieces of crap dont actually work. Theyre just there to give servicemen something to do while they waste two years of their life away. =)

So anyway when the technicians arrived they had a bottle of coolant, but we drank that anyway.


D6! said...

haha! u blogged about the incident! :P wad about today's crap about having "pride" and "turning the tide around" after 9 whole years? :P

MouldyBread said...

turning the tide around? who said that? i cant remember. izzit master faggot sundram?

D6! said...


MouldyBread said...

oh poh fern ah? aiyah come on shes totally bullshit its not even worth blogging about but truthfully i wasnt even paying attention so i didnt know what she said, so i couldnt blog about it even if i wanted to.