Saturday, February 27, 2010

Format Females

Today I was down at orchard road with a friend, and I noticed something truly harrowing. Everywhere I looked, there were pretty girls. No, thats not the scary part. The scary part was this: They all looked the same!

I dont mean like, 'clones' type of "same". Its just like, they way they dress, the way they put on their make up and just everything they do is so freakily similar.

Its like they all have this idea of what "pretty" is supposed to look like and everyone of them is just going for that look hoping that something good turns out of it.

Which philosopher was it that said that the universe is made up of ideas or templates that formed everything? I cant remember, but like, its pretty much whats happening here. In the end, I was supposed to be looking at them and fantasizing or something, but it got really depressing cuz it just felt I was looking at the same person over and over again.

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