Sunday, January 10, 2010

SAF Is A Damn Happening Organisation

Wah, I love the SAF. Everytime in the newspaper. Just recently got kerner or what making sexual advances towards his married subordinate officer. Why I also cannot understand, cuz usually SAF woman damn shit looking one.

Then also got master sargeant go taiwan get run over by car and die. Then the newspaper also say he drunk. Wah, also got unit change their Standard obstacle course results so they can get best unit in the end kena found out. This one also in newspaper.

Then got people run halfway die. Do chin ups halfway also can die.

Maybe I typing this post halfway also collapse and die. Then the headlines will write "SAF serviceman dies naked in front of computer whilst declaring how much he loves the SAF"

You will seriously never see this anywhere else in the world man. You where will find "Microsoft employee dies while programming new software" or what one?

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