Sunday, April 12, 2009

Man Down

Down with some shit sickness again. Its like my body is protesting the return to camp or something. Or maybe its because I ate that mouldy bread yesterday. But I was already feeling shitty before the bread. Maybe it just exacerbated my condition.

So anyway I just turn on my TV for the first time in ages and I saw this kid on some dumb chinese singing competition for people not cut out for fame. God, he literally was a kid. Not the "young goat" kid, but erm, what was that word vladimir used? Lolita! hahaha

And the first thing that went through my mind was "theres no way Id ever vote for that kid". Cuz I think that for them, its always too much fame too quick. Then their lives usually fuck up beyond that point. IIRC ms Lohan was a pretty decent example. But who knows, maybe hes like those 6 year old piano prodigies that usually end up being philantrophists. Their grasp of reality is rock solid man. Well I guess thats why you call them prodigies.

And the second thing that I thought about all the final err 12(?) contestants was that they all looked the same! I mean, not twins same but like, fashion same. They all had the same haircuts, same style and felt like their hairdresser pretty much ran outta ideas.

All the guys wanna keep da long hair man, yeah, cuz its in da hood yoyoyo! Thats what Im talkin bout yo? You know what Im talkin bout? Yeah sup sup sup DAWG YO! hahahaha

Dunno whats got into me. Sickness fucks the brain.

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