Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Fucking Spiders

No, this post is not about the lame fighting spiders epic fail drama that channel 5 recently released. Its about walking headlong into thin lines that seem like spider webs. I dont really know what they are, and everyone says they are spider webs. We've all walked into them before, so you know what Im talking about.

The question is, why is it that we always walk into ONE strand of web, that is, if it really IS a web? Why is it that we never ever see it before it ends up on our faces (unobservant?)? And what kind of spider would seriously be fucking stupid enough to string/spin a web across a bloody CORRIDOR for goodness sake. And Im pretty sure the places that I always get caught in have people walking past often enough not to let webs collect. Maybe spiders are really quick web makers. I think they are; saw it in a documentary somewhere.

Oh well spiders wernt the smartest insects to begin with. Spin a web and wait. Laaaaaaaaaaaaaaazy. This is all, of course, assuming they arnt cum strands or anything, but in fact are spider web lines.

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