Monday, April 6, 2009

Erotic Haircut

So I went to this EC House place at sun plaza to get my 4-3-2-1, which is widely known as the Privates' Hairstyle, one up from the Recruits' Hairstyle.

I was attended to by this semi gay fella. Its a constant source of wonder why all the guys in the hair-styling business are pussies. Why dont we have bouncers with l33t hair-styling skillz?

Well, its fine, whether hes gay or not. Just as long as he does a good job. Thats what I thought, anyways. Then suddenly, when he was done, he took out this sucker device (like a vacuum cleaner) thing and started cleaning up the little hair bits on my head and neck.

Id just like to add that, well, the people closer to me (especially huda) know that Ive got, erm, hotspots at the back of my neck and behind my ears -_-

Bloody hell he was using the cocksucker device on those areas and I was like trying not to laugh like fuck. I would have moaned if not for the fact that it was a half-gay sissy doing it, and also for the fact that it was a bloody vacuum cleaner for gods' sake.

Oh my god.

Well, he did a good job, but Im kinda afraid of that thing, so I dunno if ill ever go back. Or maybe Ill just request to do away with it.

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