Sunday, January 18, 2009

The Problem With The Problem

I dont know what to say, because I dont know where to begin.

This was the most eventful week since the beginning of the year, which isnt much to say, seeing as how its only been 18 days.

Every day I stay in the army, Im reminded of why I have girls as best friends; because the regular male is stupid and insensitive. If you were a tall person in a place where there were only short people, youd realise really quickly how different you were. How can I not feel superior? I deal with 20 year old kids who cant control their tempers and are so completely oblivious to the emotions of others they couldnt tell a happy person from a sad person even if the words "HAPPY" and "SAD" were written on their fucking foreheads.

You know how you walk into a toy store and you see kids pestering their parents to get some shit and then crying when they dont get what they want? Its like that all over again.

Sometimes its so bad I curse myself for growing up too fast.

Maybe if I started laughing at breast jokes. Maybe if I started thinking only of myself. Maybe if I lost my ability to see the big picture of situations. Maybe if I treated people a little worse or valued them a little less. Maybe if I started making fun of autistic people with fits.

Maybe if I did all that and more, I could fit in.

Hah. Like Id want to.

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