Sunday, January 11, 2009

|_ 0 2 3 R 5

Im so busy I dont even have time to think about how busy I am.

I wake up, dress up and fall in. Then I run for 4 kilometers.


Lectures where I struggle to stay awake.


Then we have our afternoon activities of running in our LBVs and helmets and shit or whatever fuck shit they can think up. This is peppered intermittently with short breaks where we wait for our instructors to organise shit they should have done a long time ago.


More exercises/lectures.

We're free at 10. Once everythings done (bathing, cleaning etc) is done, you sleep at 1130. Then you wake at 5, and this post repeats itself.

In Basic Mililary Training Center, the instructors all tell you how youll miss BMTC once you leave it. And somehow, I know that, but experiencing it is slightly... different. And then theres the constant wondering of how people so fucked up they make a whore look saintly can enter sispec. Which only confirms the fact that any dumb fuck can enter sispec as long as you pass your NAPFA.

I miss BMT. The people there were stupid. But at least they wernt assholes.

Graduation from BMC with buddy Dylan.

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