Thursday, February 28, 2008

So Its Over

This stage, this whole episode of this play that we call "life", pauses for an interlude. At the moment we stop, and enjoy the quietude, the quiescence, and the success of simply having survived this far without attempting to do a cordless bungee jump off a 10 storey building or trying to sharpen a knife on your wrist.

Whether youve been the actor, or part of the rumbustious audience so far, we all answer our little calls of nature during this break.

Its hard to tell really, what the play has in store for us in the future, and even the actors dont know, cuz theyre just being spectacularly spontaneous, so much so that we think they know, oh their glorious facade. But whatever it is, the most important thing is to enjoy the play, because no one will watch a show they dislike. Theyll just stand and leave.

But ah, the people, yes the community and your closest. They, I cannot leave(live) without (pun intended). I can already think of a group of people I cant wait to leave behind, one of them including an imbecilic doctor, another flock I cant bear to leave, one of them bearing my surname, and the last group that cannot wait to leave me.

2 years from now, when we see one another on the streets, which one of us will pretend the other is invisible? Which one of us will stop to say hi and together, reminisce the days of old? Which ones among us will we have kept? And which ones of us would have ditched the rest?

Oh yes, the play may have granted you a moments rest, but you can bet theres much more in stall when God is the director.

Yes, oh yes, the production keeps coming.

Bring on the next episode mofos.

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