Saturday, February 9, 2008

A Little Insight For U

Well as application dates for the universities quickly draw to an end, a lot of people realise they dont really know what to do for life, and especially people in my course, who are thinking that if they change courses, they would have wasted 3 years.

This is perfectly fine, because even though you have not yet found something that suits you, you have found that science doesnt.

It may sound a little corny when you first look at it, but the thing is that at least now you know what you DONT like, and its easier to find what you DO like, through the simple and systematic process of elimination. Dont worry about you seemingly having wasted 3 years, because youll never know how what you've learnt will come in handy a few years from now! Remember Steve Jobs?

As for what you wanna do, remember that your life is yours, and it shouldnt be influenced by anyone else, especially your parents, because 30 years from now they'll be dead, and youll be stuck living a life according to the wishes of 2 dead people till you join them.

Also, your present state and condition of life should have no effect on what you wish to be. Just because you are a fatass doesnt mean you cant be a nutritionist. Just because you have a mental illness doesnt mean you cant be a psychiatrist. Just because you cant play the guitar now doesnt mean you cant be the lead guitarist of a famous band next time.

People look upon some of these situations and call them "ironic". Its ironic how a fat person wants to learn about his diet. Its ironic how a person with a mental problem wants to treat others with mental problems too. But you see, these people are nothing but short-sighted and foolish.

No one makes a better policeman then one who was a thief before.

No one makes a better cook then one who has tasted good food before.

No one can have complete success without having tasted defeat before.

You take my meaning?

And lastly, lastly, Ive had a nice friend in NTU share her experiences with me and I managed to get a timetable off her. The following picture is a screenshot off my comp showing a student (year1) taking 1 minor and 1 major. I put this here so you have a very rough idea of what you can expect. But of course, NTU offers a hell lot of flexibility so what you may be doing could be COMPLETELY different from what you see here, but as I said.... rough idea.

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