Monday, November 16, 2009


Today was a tough day. Waking up, I felt a abysmal sense of loss, of the seemingly never-ending maze that is NS. We all have these moments, when our emotions just take a nose-dive one day and we feel that everything we do in life is like a 2.4km run that adds 2.4km to the distance every time you thought youve reached the end.

Ive always known, and am glad for the people that I surround myself with. Sometimes when we run out of colour, they always seem to paint the picture of life just fine being as they are. With the exception of the incredibly retarded and useless Mr Lam that Ive mentioned before, the people I bunk with are really not that bad.

Come to think of it, when the new men come in, how are we going to explain to them that third sergeant lam yi rui is useless and cant do anything right?

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