Sunday, November 30, 2008

Death And Disaster

So some singaporean got her ass handed to her in India by militants, cuz she was in the wrong place at the wrong time. I cant help but wonder, like I did with Princess D when I was a kid, "So What?"

Its like a huge majority of singaporeans are so devastated that they troll the forums dishing out messages of condolences. Maybe theyre just pretending... I dunno.

Why is it that a single persons death can send the hearts of people spiraling into such ostensible sadness, when dozens of other people are still dying of starvation and disease every second dont even get 5 seconds of our thoughts? Maybe its the circumstance of the death huh. If a thousand people die of aids, hey its no big deal, its been happening for so long, and they probably deserved to die anyway. But if you were the ONLY SINGAPOREAN to get killed by TERRORISTS, then thats a different story! How many people have the honour to get fragged by them? w00t!

Or maybe stalin was right. One persons death really can be made out to look like the end of the world. Look at jeebus haha! But what about the poor old woman who breathes her last breathe all alone, uncared for, in the silence of the four walls surrounding her? Is that not a tragedy? Or is it just cuz theres no media coverage for her that we allow the knowledge of her death to slowly slink away into memorial oblivion?

So really, at the end of the day, so what?

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