Saturday, October 11, 2008

Small Island

At long last Ive gotten a new computer to dance the dance of life with me, although it comes as no surprise that Murphys Law has decreed that I not have a windows installation disc with me.

On another note, the size of Singapore is beginning to show itself, in a sense that, Im starting to see how small it really is. I have a bunk mate (wei hong) who knows a secondary school friend (pei tian), and a secondary school friend (choon hoe) whos a bunk mate with a poly friend's boyfriend (Mich's Terrence).

Anyway, I have spent 1 month in the army now and counting. I can handle everything they throw at me easy peasy, but my bane, my Achilles heel, has got to be the fucking road/route marches. Thats where you don like, 20kilos worth of shit and walk for a few eternities, for those of you not in the know.

Its like, Im not exactly the Hulk, and I know that. Strapping half my weight to my back and walking uphill and uphill aint exactly my idea of fun. And dont even talk about the bloody helmet. Its so agonizingly hot and claustrophobic inside there, it kills a billion of my brain cells and I become a little stupider after each road march. I think at the end of this whole stint, Id start talking in malay.

Oh well, the PS3 calls now. Gotta run!

PS: Dearest, if you read this check your email.

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