Friday, November 6, 2009

I Fucked My First Man!

Well, for starters lets explain how in the army, when you say youve been fucked or that you were fucking someone usually its synonymous with "scold", or "reprimand", so Im definitely still 100% virgin oil, and lets further define "man" as someone of the rank Corporal and below, so Im definitely not a fag.

Ive been a third sergeant for like a few months now, and I havent exactly scolded anyone or came even close to raising my voice at anyone in a manner where I pulled my rank. This because it just isnt my nature to, and because its so much more fun manipulating and machinating their actions and watching them scurrying to do what you want enthusiastically, instead of controlling them through fear alone. Sure, its takes a bit more effort, but much more satisfying.

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