Monday, January 26, 2009

Another Regret

Im proud to say Ive few regrets in life. So few I can count them with one hand. Some of them include taking up geography instead of literature just cuz of my friends in secondary school, even though lit was what I really wanted to do, and not starting with the piano when I was given the chance when I was much younger.

Now, Im heartbroken to announce Ive yet another regret.

Recently we had some live firing, and some of the weapons we used included the Matador anti-tank weapon. For the layman, its a rocket launcher. But its no piss ass weapon like you see in the movies that go peeeew-boom. Its more of a BAAAAAAAAM-WOOOOOOOOOOSH-BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM, 100 times louder then you thought youve heard before.

You can even feel the shockwave pushing you back from like, 400 meters away.

My regret, is that I was not around when they asked for volunteers to fire the weapon. Its like you just found out you missed a lets-fuck-fiona-xie selection, only much worse. So, so sad.

Imagine the sound at 4:20 amplified 100 times. Thats my baby man.


Winsor said...

shoot and throw away... one hugeass of that costs $5k at least.

MouldyBread said...

worth it leh..for the boom