Monday, May 17, 2010

Worst Weekend

Ending is the worst weekend every of the year. It started with a 39­°C fever, diarrhea, and a bunch of stupid medics. The medical center seriously has no prioritization going on. Some dumbfuck lance corporals who were laughing so happily were somehow more important then a bloody 3rd Sergeant who was about to pass out from a fever.

I was given an MC, but what good is an MC when youre too weak to go home?

And back home, oh god back home was the worst. I was like a bird back home. No not free like a bird. I shat like a bird and peed like a bird. Thats right, for some reason my dick wasnt working, and my shit and pee all came out through the same place. What fun!

And just like this, my entire weekend was spend shitting and sleeping. As far as Im concerned, if I didnt spend more then half of it killing shit on my computer or playing stocks, then Ive WASTED it.


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