Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Haiku is not
for everyone cuz
sometimes you just fail so bad
look at me even
this kinda fails.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

No more good ban mian

Since the ban mian stall near my secondary school changed owners, theres just nowhere in the world with ban mian good enough for me.

Well, Im going to ord soon, and because I havent been able to pass my SOC because of a lack of will and an injured knee, the most Ill get out of my testimonial is a satisfactory.

Thats 3/5 just because of physical ineptitude. If only I had known this would happen, then I wouldnt have put in that much effort into my work. But then again, life is always like that, isnt it?

Saturday, August 14, 2010

When youre living off the misery of other people its a sign youre losing your humanity.

When Im hoping the US goes into a second recession so soon after the last... haha, well its money for me!

Who can argue with money?

Thursday, August 5, 2010


The latest episodes of naruto are getting exciting but Ive no more episodes left to watch!

So i asked my friend why cant the japanese draw more and make less porn, and he said to me "cuz porn can make $. make anime fuckers like you only download and watch, so never make any money".

To which I replied "but the porn I also download and watch what. Whats the difference?"

I win.