So I went to watch that show, which apparently, according to a friend, was only barely passable. But what to do, the dearest had already booked the tickets. He also said that the ending was a sad one, and I was like, oh thats cool, I can deal with sad endings.
Then when it got to the part when Jennifer Aniston had the stillborn and I was like, SHIT Noooo! cuz I thought the sad part was that she had to die removing the baby. Turns out that it was the stupid dog that had to die. Boy was I relieved. MILFy Jen cant die, but the dog can go anytime. S'not that I hate dogs, I love them, but only the well behaved ones hahah.
Then came the tear-inducing deathbed monologue in the vets. And just when my eyes were about to get a little less dry, the dearest nudged me and leaned over to whisper "ben! see the girl beside me! shes cryyyyyyying!" Then she giggled. And I looked over and the girl was in fact dabbing her eyes with her hanky. Then *I* giggled. Well, I didnt really giggle cuz guys dont giggle. I kinda went "heh heh heh".
And that was how the most touching part of the movie became a laugh riot for us. I think, throughout the rest of the sad part, we were just glancing around laughing at the boyfriends whos tearduct dams broke.