Friday, October 15, 2010

I cant remember the last time I had a bath in a bath tub, so I was understandably excited when I got to simmer in my own filth, with my ipod beside me.

Europe is a really relaxed place. Everything goes so slowly in the suburbs. People move in slow motion, but thankfully the internet is reasonably hasty compared to that. The sun seems to be lazier too, sometimes he waits till 8 to wake up.

Somehow that bothers me. I just read about mental priming, where certain external influences tweaks the way you think. So I was thinking how being in an asian country has primed me such that I need to go go go instead of slow slow slow. I cant stand not doing anything I cant see as immediately productive. Sure, Ive gobbled down close to 4 books so far, but Im always so slow, it seems.


Ive seen artificial snow in malaysia. It was a distant memory, but somehow it triggers the mental imagery of ice kacang. Just 2 days ago I saw snow falling from the sky. I didnt know if they were snowflakes or just little balls of snow, though. They were rather ungraceful though. I always pictured them dancing on their way down, pirouetting right and left before whimsically choosing a place to land. Mine was like little pieces of a bird shit barrage. I thought they were pieces of dust at first, like how in the 7th month theyd burn shit and all that shit floats up to where you live.