Sunday, April 25, 2010


In anticipation of the future, my ord is one thing, but the best part is that I get what Ive wanted for so long: A getaway from singapore, and one into Europe, no less.

My mom just confirmed that Ill be joining them in france for 2 months, with a intermittent trip to england to visit her friends. Its seriously more then I could have ever dreamed of.

I think its time to get a digi-cam.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Why Does Mr Beans Grass Jelly Drink Taste So Heavenly?

I am so disappointed with command and conquer 4 man. I mean, theres shit, and theres cnc4. Its actually hard to find something about the game that I actually like. Theres nothing original, and Kane's final goodbye was so bleah I kinda felt disgusted with myself for wasting so much time just to see how it ended.

And then theres Clash of the Titans, which is another shit movie. The acting was bad, the plot was rushed, and three words more: Deus ex machina. Like, so many of them.

Shit, I think I need to buy something branded to make my life more purposeful.

Monday, April 5, 2010

It just hit me that I wasnt really sure about my journey to SIM. As in, it isnt SIM itself, but rather the 2nd diploma that I would have to take in order to get the degree I want. In terms of time, this really isnt a problem since in total itd only take about 2.5 - 3 years, roughly the same as any other degree.

Its just that, I want it to be perfect. I want everything to be perfect. But because I know how life sucks and nothing can be perfect, I want it to be as close to perfect as it can, and somehow, it doesnt feel there yet.