Saturday, May 30, 2009

Puke Streak

I do solemly and sincerely sweat that no alcohol shall ever touch these lips of mine ever again. IN MY LIFE!

My new captain coerced me to chug down a mug of beer in 20 fucking seconds, and my tolerance for alcohol is like, zilch. Well, it wasnt really coercion, it was just part of some stupid hi-welcome-to-my-lame-unit ceremony that apparently everyone has to go through.

Anyway, I was stoned to hell and knocked out on the mess room floor a few minutes after the drink, then had a merlion when my guys woke me up to go back to the bunk. I slept fitfully till 1am, where I woke and had another merlion, tried to go back to sleep and had my final merlion of the day. Thats three times folks!

I cant ever forget the puke gushing out from my nostrils, and my watering eyes, god it felt like I was gonna regurgitate my eyeballs as well. Never again shall I feel that, for I shall forever live in mortal fear of alcohol. I seriously cant remember the last time I puked....maybe 4 years ago?

Streak broken :(

Sizing Me Up

I like how the men of Singapore like to size you up by looking at your shoulders when youre in uniform. Whos-rank-is-bigger is the name of the game. I also like to see the "humph" look on their face when they see a third sergeant instead of just any Man.

its cool how you can sorta tell a Singaporean from a foreigner by the way they do that. A trained nsman does that to know who and how to greet a superior. The angmohs just stare at the uniform.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Green Is The Colour Of The Day

I was the mrt on the way home when I saw, hiding behind someone, HER.

She had beautiful eyes that drooped ever so slightly, the way someone does when, because of her extreme intellect, is weary of the ennui of the world. Her arms were folded across her chest, like she couldnt give a damn about all the infidels that surrounded Her Royal Highness. Her glossy lips were pursed, like your existence is an annoyance to her.



Bye, queen in green (rhymes)! Ill always remember (always remember for 2 weeks or so) how you brightened up my day!

Saturday, May 23, 2009


Guess who thought he was booking a ticket to sit at the back?

Im gonna be looking at who sits here so I can laugh at him.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Return Of The Neh Neh

I met the dua neh bu jia ling today at the mrt. We made eye contact before her eyes darted away first. That much hasnt changed huh? So typical of her.

Friday, May 15, 2009

The Different Faces

Sometime toward the end of every course I tend to get a little sick of everyone. Whether its small ones like jls incessant need to drive away his insecurities about being the only nitec here, or the more huge ones like kennys existence, it all just starts to weigh down.

Maybe its because people think that this will be the last I see of him/her anyway, and therefore it makes it okay to treasure them a little less. True colours start to show, and I start to think that maybe its nice to keep knowing new people, so that at least, they all bother to pretend to be nice.

Hmm. But still, its only pretending.


Ive been gripped by this unquenchable urge to play Kingdom Hearts 2. A very unfortunate urge, seeing as to how I no longer own a PS2.


Sunday, May 10, 2009

Friday, May 8, 2009

Q: What happens when a 30 ton tank reverses all of a sudden in a convoy and hits the land rover behind it?
A: It smashes the front of the land rover and drags it along all the way until it stops. If it drags long enough, it hits the second land rover behind the first.

Q: What do you do hear if youre inside a 30 ton armoured vehicle and you ram into a land rover while reversing?
A: You hear a small "thud".

Q: What do you do when you open the rear door of the armoured vehicle and you see headlights staring back at you?
A: You ask yourself if youre in a dream, and when you realize that youre not, you start to pray really hard.